Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fun at Four Months

The twins are four months old, and here are a few things four months has brought us:

First Solid Foods
They have enjoyed adding cereal to their diet. But, I think they enjoy their feeding chairs just as much. They are happy to be wherever the action is, and in their chairs they can see what is going on around them. 

Rolling Over
Caleb has learned how to roll over! In the same 24 hours he rolled from tummy to back and from back to tummy. 

Trip to Nana & Papa's in Omaha for their first Thanksgiving
Notice a photo of Caleb happily snuggled in his car seat is missing. He was not feeling very photogenic since he discovered he rather likes to scream in his car seat on long trips. Apparently it cramps his style since one of his new favorite things to do is stretch out on the floor and kick his feet as hard as he can. Why not kick while in the car seat you ask? If you saw the way his entire body gets into these kicks, you would understand why the car seat is so restrictive for our active little guy. It's really quite impressive.

Having fun during playtime
They are really beginning to explore their world and interact with their toys, which is fun to watch. Caleb has especially taken to the ExerSaucer this week and has learned quickly how to rotate the chair to reach the different toys. 

This is Clara's preferred way of sleeping. Blanket over face, arms above head, lovie close by. We are also working on sleep training this month. It is hard work, but we can see it paying off.

Monday, September 12, 2011


The Lord will accomplish what concerns me; 
Thy lovingkindness, O Lord is everlasting.
Psalm 138:8

A friend recently asked me what has been the biggest adjustment in becoming a mom of twins. Let’s see….sleep deprivation for weeks on end, a house consistently cluttered with baby paraphernalia, laundry…oh, so much laundry. But hoping to say something a little more insightful, I thought for a moment before saying, “I am a checklist person.” I am finding you can’t get very far down the checklist when you are mothering an infant, or two. This friend, an experienced mom, smiled and nodded knowingly.

Hardly any task can be accomplished in one sitting these days. Everything must be broken into bite size pieces. Take for instance laundry. As I mentioned previously, there is a lot. I had no idea how much laundry two little people can create. First, I make it a goal to gather up the laundry at some point. Then, when I have a few spare moments, the laundry makes it into a laundry basket on the table in the kitchen where it sits for a few hours (or let's be honest, possibly days). Later, if I’m lucky, I might have a chance to sprint downstairs to the laundry room with the laundry. I’m even luckier if I can actually get it in the washing machine while I’m down there. At some point it will need to be moved to the dryer, and I find myself thinking, “I wonder if I could switch the laundry out  one handed while holding this sleeping baby.” And of course, once the laundry is dry, it has to be brought upstairs, folded, and then put away…three more bite sized pieces. Then, it is time to start all over again.

So as you can see, the checklist thing is not exactly working out for me these days. Or rather, I am changing my checklist to the following:

1 - Love Clara
2 - Love Caleb
3 - Feed Clara (x8)
4 - Feed Caleb (x8)
5 - Change Clara’s diaper (x10)
6 - Change Caleb’s diaper (x10)
7 - Snuggle Clara
8 - Snuggle Caleb
9 - Love Clara
10 - Love Caleb

If I get anything else done, it’s bonus.

Actually, even as I just wrote that checklist I am so tempted to add just a few more things so you won’t think I am a slacker…and so I won’t think I’m a slacker. (Also, you do see the irony in the fact that I still felt the need to make a checklist, right?)  I am learning through this season just how much of my self worth is often based on what I achieve or accomplish. I feel good about myself when I “get a lot done.” I mean this isn’t a new revelation for me. It is something I have always struggled with, and this season of new motherhood is highlighting it afresh.

I need to continually remind myself that life is not all about how many things you can accomplish, even if they are good things. And, my value as a person is not dependent upon what I achieve. My value and identity is found in Jesus, and I can rest in all that he has already accomplished for me…most notably my salvation. There is nothing I can add or subtract from what he has already accomplished on the cross. I am praying for new grace today to live in the reality of my identity in Christ, and for a transformation of my heart and mind to truly embrace that reality.

Here are a few recent pics, since I know that’s why you are all here visiting the blog anyway. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

1 Month To Go

This past Saturday, I treated Teressa to a nice dinner at McDonalds (who says chivalry is dead?)  During our dinner conversation, we discussed how it had been some time since either of posted an update to our blog.  It has!  In fact, it's been 12 weeks.  In our last post, we had just found out the genders of the Mini Mahls. Now, we are exactly one month away from their birthday!

Here is a brief summary of the last 12 weeks...
  • Swagger Wagon:  We bought a van.  Yes, we caved and bought a van.  It's a 2005 Honda Odyssey.  We got a great deal on it because the dealer advertised the wrong price on the van and did not realize it until we were in negotiations. See picture below.

  • Hospital:  Teressa had some minor complications in the pregnancy in week 27 due to the placenta previa.  She spent 7 days down in Evanston Memorial Hospital.  She and the babies are both doing well and we are thankful for God's protection.  Teressa has been on bed-rest the last five weeks and will continue the modified activity plan for the last 30 days.  The key is to keep those Mini Mahls cooking'!
  • Meals: We have been overwhelmed by the kindness and love shown to us throughout the last five weeks.  This has tangibly been shown in a steady supply of meals.  It is amazing how much encouragement a prepared meal can be.  These simple acts of loving kindness have helped us so much during this time of bed rest for Teressa.  We are grateful for all of those who have brought meals and for those who are still planning to do so.  We are humbled by your love and care for us.  Thank you!
  • Showers:  We have had three showers.  The first shower was thrown by some friends of Teressa's.  That was hosted back in KC.  I was glad we had purchased the van by then.  There was no way to get all that loot home in a normal car.  My co-workers threw a co-ed shower in May and over 35 people attended.  It was a great time and I was thankful that my mom was able to be there.  We also had a shower thrown by our friends Emily, Ryan, and Mindy.  For those who don't know, Mindy is the one who coined the name "Mini Mahls"  That shower was a lot of fun too and coincided with a visit from Teressa's brother, Ryan and his family.  The picture below is of our van loaded up after our shower in KC.

  • Nursery:  It is taking shape.I spent a weekend painting the nursery the wrong color.  That was not one of my favorite things.  Eventually, we did get the right color on the walls.  I would post pictures, but Teressa has forbidden me to do so until everything is done.  If you want to know what it looks like, just stop by.  We are happy to show the progress we have made.
  • Mothers:  Our families have been incredible the past five weeks.  One way their support has been seen is through their sacrificial help.  Both of our moms came and stayed with us for several days.  They cooked, cleaned, organized, and really made the load a little lighter on both Teressa and me.  We were so encouraged by the sacrificial giving of their time.  Teressa and I are so blessed to have two wonderful sets of parents who model Christ-like compassion and love. 
  • July 14:  The planned C-section will occur (Lord-willing) on Thursday, July 14.  That is exactly one month from today!  We are excited to meet our son and daughter.  It still feels very surreal.  I walked by the nursery last night and just stood in the door frame staring.  It's hard to fathom that our children will be in that room in a little over a month.  We are so thankful for the opportunity to be parents.  I am not so naive to believe there will never be difficult times.  I am sure those dirty diapers will test my patience (and gag reflexes).  Yet, I know that children are a gift from God...a true miracle. And parenting...well, rumor has it, that's a great way to get a better glimpse into God's love for his children.  Can't wait for those lessons. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's a boy....and a girl!!

Yesterday, we found out we will be welcoming both a boy and girl into our family. We could not be happier, and are so thankful for two healthy growing babies. We spent nearly an hour and half at our 20 week ultrasound, and as I watched the grainy pictures of our tiny children flash across the screen, I couldn't help but choke back tears of gratitude, joy and sheer amazement. We are blessed.

Baby Boy Mahl was cool as a cucumber posing for his photos...relaxed and calm.

Baby Girl Mahl, on the other hand, was busy practicing a full gymnastics routine. You can see her here demonstrating her flexibility as she touches her toes to her nose.

For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
when I was made in the secret place,
when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:13-16

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bird is the Word

As you may have gathered from the last post, Teressa and I are actively hunting for bargains.  It has been amazing to see how God has provided thus far.  Teressa’s cousin, Matthew and his wife GAVE us a crib!  That was very kind of them and we are grateful.  Over the past few weeks, we have been actively looking on Craigslist for another crib that looks similar to the one already given to us.  We found one this past weekend in Winthrop Harbor, IL. 

When you agree to check out an item from a Craigslist posting, you never know what you may find.  Our first experience was when we purchased a stroller from a woman in Deerfield.  Teressa and I instantly connected with her and we stayed and talked for an hour. 

This time was different.  Not because the woman we bought the crib from was a hoarder or the house was un-kept.  No, it was weird because as we walked in, we noticed that the mother of the lady selling us the crib had a bird perched on her head.  She must have seen our reactions.  She responded by saying, “Don’t mind me.”  We all had a good laugh.

I was not laughing a few minutes later.  As we were inspecting the crib, I heard the awful sound of a bird’s flapping wings.  The sound got closer and closer.  I began to feel the wind around my head as the bird approached.  Yes, you guessed it.  The bird landed on my head.

I truly wish I could have seen my reaction from another’s point of view.  Apparently, it was quite funny.  Teressa was laughing.  The crib-seller was laughing.  The grandmother, whose head the bird belonged on, was apologetic.  Never in my life have I had a bird land on my head…and I hope to never have a bird land on my head again.  

One day I will tell the mini-mahls a story about how their dad was willing to sacrifice his life so they could have a safe and comfortable place to sleep.  Overly dramatic?  Maybe.  But you didn’t see the size of that bird.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

God's Provision

This past weekend, I (Aaron) went to Babies 'r Us for the first time.  It was quite the experience.  I was amazed at how much stuff there was to purchase.  Some of it is absolutely necessary (diapers) while other things were luxury items (I'll let you know for sure when I find out what things are luxury items).  Teressa and I are committed to trying to get by with the fewest things possible. That strategy is aided by two things:  1: The size of our apartment, and 2: The size of our budget!

After leaving Babies 'r Us, I began to feel a little overwhelmed at the sheer amount of items that seemed  necessary.  How would we pay for all this stuff?  Would I need to take a second job?  Should I grow my hair long and sell it?...honest thoughts that came to mind.  Thankfully, the truth of God's Word came to mind.

My biggest need for God's love and mercy was met when God the Father sent Jesus to earth to live the perfect life I could not live.  He died the death that I could not die.  Because of this, I have life in Him.  My greatest need was met when God forgave me of my sins and made a relationship possible through Christ.  So, what do you think?  If God the Father did not spare His only Son to take care of THAT need (Romans 8:32), do you think that He will take care of my (and my family's) physical and earthly needs?  My guess is "yes!"

Are you tempted to worry and doubt God's provision for you?  I know I am.  And when I am, I just remind myself of God's provision for me in Christ...and then I say "thank you."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swagger Wagon

With the mini mahls on the way, Teressa and I have begun to think about getting a second vehicle.  To date, we have survived our entire marriage owning only one vehicle at a time.  Below is a brief summary:
  • 1998 Honda Civic DX (Green, 2-door):  Totaled when I rear-ended somebody after hitting ice
  • 2000 Toyota Camry CE (Blue/Green, 4-door):  Sold to my sister and brother-in-law
  • 2002 Honda Accord LX (Buckeye Silver, 4 door):  Current
 One reason we have gotten by with one car is that we've always worked at the same place.  However, with the mini mahls on their way, Teressa will change companies, moving from Trinity International University to Mahl Family Inc.  In addition, I know that twins also means double everything.  Double the pack 'n plays, double the strollers, double the diaper bags, double the...(insert necessary item)...It appears a second vehicle will be inevitable.  Not only that, it appears a BIGGER vehicle may be inevitable.

Enter the Minivan.  I said I would never consider one, but I don't think there is a better option.  Plus, the commercial below makes the minivan (Swagger Wagon) seem cool, right?

Special shout-out to co-worker and friend, Stefanie Cinadr who posted this video to her blog first.  Thanks Stef!